Okay, having a aisle runner is basically a neccesity to have a beautiul wedding. Traditional brides stay on the safe end and stick to a white aisle runner while the modern brides add a little style to theirs. To save money brides are now personalizing their own aisle runner without spending that extra $40-$50.
Step One: Creating your monogram (you can create your monogram on powerpoint, paint, publisher or photoshop) print out your colored monogram and save it on your flashdrive.
Step Two : Go to your local Kinkos and have them blow up your monogram black and white at 400%(standard 36' wide runner) if you runner is smaller or wider then you can adjust the percentage according to the size of your runner.estimated $5.00
Step three: Now pull out your aisle runner (estimated $15-$25) on flat surface and unroll it out to where you want you monogram to be (usually 5 feet) place your enlarged monogram under your aisle runner and use blue painter's tape to hold each corner of your monogram that is paralled to your aisle runner. You should be able to see your monogram through the aisle runner. note*make sure you placed cardoard under your monogram because paint will leaked through)
Step four: use a stencil to trace over your monogram and then carefully paint your monogram with your desired colors .Watch your monogram come to life! Before you remove the card board wait until it dry!
Check out images below: